Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Study Shows That "Freshman 15" is a Myth

After stumbling upon this article I found on Fox News, I felt it was only appropriate that I posted my thoughts on it because the majority of my classmates are freshmen. The myth is that college freshmen gain 15 pounds their first year. However, a study that was conducted by researchers at Ohio State University proves this myth to be false. The researchers recorded the weight of college freshman both men and women as well as the weight of men and women who were the same age but did not go to college. They found that the freshmen only gained about half a pound more that those that were not attending school. Only a mere ten percent of those that participated in the research actually gained 15 or more pounds during their freshman year. Personally, since my freshman year has begun I have actually lost weight. I believe this is because I am less physically active and I am no longer eating three full meals a day. The study also shows that even after graduation the participants only gained a few pounds. To me this article is good news to hear because the United States has become one of the most obese countrys in the world. Im glad we were finally able to prove this myth untrue because it is a breath of fresh air to myself and my peers who are concerned about their weight and health.

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