Sunday, November 20, 2011

Florida State Senators Argue if D.O.T. Video Should Be On Web

Florida Senator Mike Fasano argues that a video the Department Of Transportation put on the web to make viewers aware of pedestrian crosswalk dangers, is much too graphic. The video shows multiple scenes,  filmed by in car cameras or by cameras placed at intersections, of pedestrians being struck by cars as they cross the street. Some of the videos are of small collisions where the pedestrian gets up and walks off after being hit by a car. However, some portions of the video show scenes of pedestrians being hit so hard they are thrown on to the windshield and up over the car. The video is part of a safety campaign called See The Blind Spots in an effort to reduce the number of bicycle and pedestrian fatalities in Florida. The video is under scrutiny from some of the community including Senator Fasano who says the video is "truly graphic and shouldn't be seen on a state website." In my own personal opinion, I think they should keep the videos on the website if they truly want to scare people into being safe drivers. Because after seeing some of the footage they gathered it makes me think twice about flying through a crosswalk without looking for someone to walk out into the street.

P.S. As of right now you can watch the video from a link on Fox News unless they take it down soon.

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