Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cataloupe: The Silent Killer

Ever since recorded time, man has had many things to fear. To name a few, crime, war, God, disease, famine, and death. However i never thought i would see the day we have to fear Cantaloupe. A crop of tainted cantaloupe has spread throughout 20 states, made over 100 people ill, and lead to the death of 18. The reason these cantaloupe are so dangerous is because they contain Listeria infections. The Federal Food and Drug Administration is still trying to determine the cause of the outbreak but believe it started when Jensen Farms, a company based out of Colorado, had to recall 300,000 cases of the possibly dangerous fruit. The outbreak makes me question what it was that tainted the fruit, because i have never heard of a dangerous fruit outbreak in the days of early man. I have never read about farmers having to recall their crops in the days of the ancient Egyptians. I believe it is due to the mass amounts of chemicals and growth enhancers we put in our food in the present day. We should learn a valuable lesson from this outbreak that has taken 18 lives. We should let our food grow naturally the way mother nature intended and not let ourselves hinder this process which has worked for thousands of years.

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